
Piyush Kumar Singh
University of Nottingham | Notts · School of Computer Science
Masters of Science in Information Technology

Simple Virtual Keyboard with the help of Shadow Analysis only

  • September 2013
  • Thesis for: Masters Of Science In Information Technology
  • Advisor: Dr Colin Higgins


Traditional QWERTY keyboards are large in size and offer little in terms of their ability to modify. A Virtual Keyboard, with slightest physical form may provide an answer to the point of time, where the size of desktops and laptops is becoming smaller, the traditional keyboard acts as a hindrance to further miniaturization. In today’s world many different Virtual Keyboard exist which are using 3D cameras. This project involves the creation of Virtual Keyboard using the shadow analysis. The project aimed to create such keyboard which requires no external hardware, easy to use with reconfigurable option in it. This project uses a Logitech standard web camera. The main focus of this project is to know the problems with current VK and how to solve these problems using novel techniques like shadow analysis. Finally this project aimed to discuss and evaluate the working of Virtual Keyboard. The dissertation was nicely done in creating the Virtual Keyboard using shadow analysis and image processing. Also, the layout of the keyboard generated using the laser film or alphanumeric keypad. Application was successful in generating the virtual key press events done by the users. Project also successful in allowing the users to change the layout of the keyboard based on application, hence user has the priviledge to select a particular layout for gaming application.

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